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Impact Martin Sheen Serving Television Audiences

Posted on May 2 2013 in Impact Martin Sheen, Impact PBS, Impact with Martin Sheen, www.impactptv.com, Martin Sheen Impact, Martin Sheen PBS

Impact Martin Sheen Serving Television Audiences

Over the last several weeks, Impact Martin Sheen has been making a series of announcements about new reporting that the show will be airing on public television. Each one of these new assignments is part of the commitment of the TV show to report on the topics most important to our audiences.

Martin Sheen PBS has announced upcoming reports on a variety of topics. The ambitious series of reports will touch on medical innovations and challenges in the coming years. With the new Affordable Care Act implementation and astonishing developments on the research front, the medical field will be seeing structural changes both on the care side and the administrative side.

The TV program is also looking into how internet commerce is changing the business world. The booming online shopping industry which now seems so common is about to see more changes. In the coming years more online commerce will be conducted over social media, and that has businesses taking a look at how they will make a successful more from traditional websites to these new platforms.  For consumers, the move to new internet areas can come with trepidation.

Education is a topic that impacts most everyone. For young people it is a determining factor about the nature of their employment future and for older Americans it is the way we are training the next generations of leaders in business, government, and any number of fields. Charter schools and distance learning are both changing the way education is provided and showing progress in building the minds of young Americans.

Impact with Martin Sheen at www.impactptv.com will be highlighting many of these topics during the next several months. The TV program will be working on more reporting that will air this summer.

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